Tuesday, October 16, 2012

This is for the fat girls.
This is for the little brothers.
This is for the school-yard wimps,
 this is for the childhood bullies who tormented them.
This is for the former prom queen, 
this is for the milk-crate ball players.
This is for the nighttime cereal eaters
 and for the retired, elderly Wal-Mart store front door greeters. 
Shake the dust.
Regrets collect like old friendsHere to relive your darkest momentsI can see no way, I can see no wayAnd all of the ghouls come out to playAnd every demon wants his pound of fleshBut I like to keep some things to myselfI like to keep my issues drawnIt's always darkest before the dawn

This is for the benches and the people sitting upon them,

for the bus drivers driving a million broken hymns,

I can never leave the past behindI can see no way, I can see no wayI'm always dragging that horse around

for the men who have to hold down three jobs simply to hold up their children,

for the nighttime schoolers and the midnight bike riders who are trying to fly. Shake the dust.

I am done with my graceless heartSo tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart
This is for the two-year-olds who cannot be understood because they speak half-English and half-god. Shake the dust.
Shake it out. 
For the girls with the brothers who are going crazy,

for those gym class wall flowers and the twelve-year-olds afraid of taking public showers,

for the kid who's always late to class because he forgets the combination to his lockers,

for the girl who loves somebody else. Shake the dust. Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaaah
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your backSo shake him off, oh woah

This is for the hard men, the hard men who want to love but know that it won't come.  

For the ones who are forgotten, the ones the amendments do not stand up for.

For the ones who are told to speak only when you are spoken to and then are never spoken to. Speak every time you stand so you do not forget yourself.

Do not let a moment go by that doesn't remind you that your heart beats 900 times a day and that there are enough gallons of blood to make you an ocean.

Do not settle for letting these waves settle and the dust to collect in your veins.

This is for the celibate pedophile who keeps on struggling,

for the poetry teachers and for the people who go on vacations alone.

For the sweat that drips off of Mick Jaggers' singing lips and for the shaking skirt on Tina Turner's shaking hips, for the heavens and for the hells through which Tina has lived.

This is for the tired and for the dreamers and for those families who'll never be like the Cleavers with perfectly made dinners and sons like Wally and the Beaver.

It's a shot in the dark and right at my throatCause looking for heaven, found the devil in meLooking for heaven, found the devil in meWell what the hell I'm gonna let it happen to me

This is for the biggots,

this is for the sexists,

this is for the killers.

This is for the big house, pen-sentenced cats becoming redeemers and for the springtime that always shows up after the winters.

This? This is for you.

Make sure that by the time fisherman returns you are gone.

Because just like the days, I burn both ends and every time I write, every time I open my eyes I am cutting out a part of myself to give to you.

So shake the dust and take me with you when you do for none of this has never been for me.

All that pushes and pulls, pushes and pulls for you.

Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaahShake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh woaaahAnd it's hard to dance with a devil on your backSo shake him off, oh woah 

So grab this world by its clothespins and shake it out again and again and jump on top and take it for a spin and when you hop off shake it again for this is yours.

Make my words worth it, make this not just another poem that I write, not just another poem like just another night that sits heavy above us all.

Walk into it, breathe it in, let is crash through the halls of your arms at the millions of years of millions of poets coursing like blood pumping and pushing making you live, shaking the dust.
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your backSo shake him off
So when the world knocks at your front door, clutch the knob and open on up, running forward into its widespread greeting arms with your hands before you, fingertips trembling though they may be.
I decided maybe I could do some sort of freelance writing or something during all my free time on campus, but the problem with that is one, my grammar isn't top notch. And two, I'm not really knowledgable on any one thing to the point to where I can write about it and have someone actually want to read it.
I mean, I get it, it's not always meant to be an exact instruction manual for things, but the only things I ever write about are my innermost thoughts, stuff that even I don't feel like reading after I've posted it. Who the heck is gonna read the ramblings of an 18 year old college freshman in a small city college?

Monday, October 15, 2012

I just want to feel okay again.

I've been off my meds for a few days and you can definitely tell now. I feel so sluggish. I just want to curl up in a ball and sleep. Of course, this feeling could also be from the fact that I didn't sleep until almost 2 this morning...blech. And now I've got Taylor Swift stuck in my head.
Oh well, at least it's a good song to have stuck in my head. Although, it seems like there's lots of stuff stuck in my head in general right about now...I have so many swimming thoughts and voices and it seems likes everything is slowly bundling up and nothing makes any sense anymore and I just can't take it anymore. You know that sound something makes in a movie, when a person is going crazy and then the whole screen  is just spinning and it seems like everything's gone into hyperdrive? That's basically what my brain is doing right about now. And I'm worried that when it stops is when I'm gonna be screaming out at the top of my lungs right in the middle of the library.

Fading Eyesight

I broke my glasses two different times now, three if you count each time the lense popped out in the same day, but nonetheless, my eyes are slowly showing just how much I need my glasses because I can barely see the screen as I type this. As if I didn't feel blind as a bat already with that little bit,I was struggling in art class today to get the colors to look right, I honest to goodness couldn't tell if it was orange or not. This thought scares me. It makes me feel vulnerable and afraid that these small problems won't go away when I get my glasses fixed. Scary thoughts.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Always remember & never forget...that.


Note to Self

Edwin Land, co-founder of Polaroid.

To believe in something and not to live it, is dishonest. -Mahatma Gandhi



Horton Hears a Who



& last, but by no means the least, the most important thing to remember and never is that...

Do Not Be Afraid

do not be afraid\
How amazing is this? 
God knows that we need to hear this everyday, so he gave us a new verse for everyday. 
There’s a place in Ireland where every 2 years, the stars line up with this trail on June 10th-June 18th. It’s called 'Heaven’s Trail'. Wow, I want to see it!
There’s a place in Ireland where every 2 years, the stars line up with this trail on June 10th-June 18th. It’s called 'Heaven’s Trail'.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Blanca Danielle. I have a last name, but I don't like it so I drop it whenever I can. I am an 18 year old college freshman at a little college in the city neighboring mine. I am a Pisces. It's fitting for me because I love water. I like to philosophize about things in my spare time, and in class when I should be paying attention, too.  This is going to be filled with all of my different thoughts and ramblings that go on inside my mind. Consider it a journal, if you will. A journal I leave open for the world to see and do with it whatever it wishes.